Embrace is our final pillar to support our work towards our mission and vision and will launch from the new inclusion hub in Craven Arms when it opens in Spring 2024.
For 13 years we have watched children, young people and young adults fall through gaps in education, social care, training and post diagnostic support, Embrace is intended to fill that gap, from individual and group sessions to help the Neuro-diverse understand and be proud of their difference, to soft skills social groups, work and training placement opportunities and even social enterprises. The suite of Embrace projects will be built to ensure that every Neuro-diverse individual has access to the opportunities they want, and the support to gain the skills, self worth and self compassion to be the best they can be and proud to be themselves.
We will hold and support these projects but the only people who can shape them, are those who will use them. Therefore if you are a Neuro- diverse young person or Young Adult or a parent / carer and would like to share with us what would most help you, please click the butterfly or contact us as shown at the bottom of the page.